Lady Sabina,
I'm sending this letter to Laura ahead of my actual arrival so you know to keep an eye out for me. If I don't show up in a day...please contact my companion?
A new peasant couple arrived in the Post today. Their attire was simple and obviously inexpensive, but no less pleasant on the eyes for it. The man wore a simple, roughspun shirt and leather britches, while the woman wore a dress made of a golden toned linen fabric with leather girdle and corset. The neckline of her dress was a touch lower then I would dare, and she went barefaced, but she was, after all, a peasant. At least her hair was up, though it did expose the long line of her neck. The couple was rather affectionate, I wonder if perhaps she is the man's only woman?
I've decided that for the trip to Laura I should wear something inexpensive as well. One never knows what kinds of condition the boat will be in, nor the quality of the lodgings on the way. I found a lovely dress that a local seamstress gave to me as a sample of her work that should do nicely. White linen blouse with a dyed leather corset and a bustled skirt of a gradient golden fabric. I'll wear a scarf in case there's a chill on the water, and of course my tailor's bag. As for the hair, well, lets just say that travel makes me a touch paranoid.
I look forward to seeing you in Laura, Lady Sabina. I'm bringing several nice gowns to strut around in with you while we see the state of fashion in that rustic city. Also...I look forward to seeing my daughter who's been away in fosterage. I should wear something red I think, to match her and her father's caste.
Until then, all my best.
Picture One-
Dress- Demons & Angels FREEBIE Women's Dress
Man- Demons & Angels FREEBIE Men's Outfit
Hair- Truth-Berri
Women's Skin-Soda Custom Skin
Men's Skin- Belleza-Ewan
Picture Two-
Dress- Moonstruck FREEBIE Women's Dress
Hair- Magika-Pincushion
Veil- Beyond the Veil-Lilo
Scarf & Bag- Tyranny Designs
Skin- Nevermore Studios-Hybrid II in Ardent
Undershirt- Fantasia:Fantasy Clothier Underthings
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by
Elena of Braavos
10:46 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Bad News..
Dear Lamya,
I've arrived in Laura. Things got.. heated.. in Telnus. I knew my past would catch up to me eventually. I am sorry I didn't write sooner, I left in haste.
You see they found out I used to rule in Treve. It's a huge mess, and part of me wishes it hadn't of happened, but I feel better now. I was able to help a few people, and found there are some still loyal to me.
I've given up my simpler robes, and donned the mantle of the scribes again. It feels nice not having tho hide my wealth anymore!
When I made my appearance in Laura, I had to of course wear something regal. I chose a lovely deep blue gown, with gold paneling. The collar came up just high enough to speak of station, and it even had a cape down the back.
My hair was done up in curls, with little tendrils down the sides, and I draped a lightly jeweled trinket over the top of it.
Although I detest veils, I adore this one I found.. it has the most stunning metal work.
The highlight of my trip was when I met a young slave girl, who had been of Treve. It was nice to speak of these things openly to her. She understood the city I came from, and understood the gravity of the situation I had been in.I do wish she had worn more though. She had on a simple shift of diaphenous red silk (The horror!) It draped around her so perfectly, no wonder men go mad over slave girls. The bangles she wore accented the piece perfectly.. not too fancy.. but enough. She even wore a flower in her hair.. she must be in love.
Speaking of men, one of my hired guards was a complete brute today as we were entering Laura. He made a show of how heavy my trunks of clothes were.. as if he couldn't carry them!
And the clothes he wore! For shame!
His shirt was barely held together by lacing, exposing his chest and all.. don't even get me started on his pants! They were laced right in the front, where it looked as if one wrong movement and everything would be out in the open. Really, someone should teach these men some modesty around women! I shall never hire him as a guard again.
I've brought a bottle of ta-wine with me, dear. I'll save it for when you arrive. Remember the last time we drank wine together?
Your friend,
Free Woman -
Skin - Bebae - Beline *Caramel: Cat 1b
Hair - Analog Dog - embrace - black
Dress - Suki's Silks - Senator Amidala's Outfit
Veil - Illusions - Bahiya Veil
Hair ornaments - Eolande's - Sofia Peacock Headdress Gold
Slave -
Skin - Curio - Petal-Lovely-Chocolate Peach 1
Hair - Stuff - Jordyn - Black
Silks - Sakinah - Nadia silks - red
Free Man -
Hair - Exile - Jiro - Cheyanne
Skin - Belleza - Miguel Tan 1
Clothes - INDI Designs - Preston
Posted by
Sabina Takakura
11:29 PM
Labels: Free Man, Free Woman, Slave
Monday, March 23, 2009
A letter arrives...
Dear Lady Sabina,
How have you been? Yes I'm still in this "dusty" old post. Did you hear Tarna is to become a homestead now? Buildings are going up left and right and trade is improving. But...well...Sacha left me filthy rich, so who cares about trade and work and all that? I love this idea of traveling, I've hardly been anywhere! And I miss the gowns we used to wear in Ti. Lately I've been wearing more simple outfits, like this lovely dress.
It only comes in this one color, but isn't it great for spring? Peach and pink with a simple white underblouse. The sleeves are a touch short, but customs aren't as stringent out in the wilds. I don't even really have to wear this beautiful veil, but this one is hardly a chore at all! Each of the veils in the package has fine chains which drape under the two layers of light fabric. The package comes with several varieties of wear, and all of the fabrics take dye well (recolorable). There's still a chill in the air this far north, so the shawl is a must, and of course I bring my seamstress bag with me everywhere. Old habits and all.
Oh! I was just going to mention learning to put flowers in my hair from one of the local panther girls, and she stopped in to trade! The woman was barechested, can you believe it! Hardly two bits of leather to rub together covering that woman, but she did have the most beautiful necklace on. It almost...almost...covered her nakedness. The flowers in her hair today were very exotic, I wonder where she found them...
A trade ship arrived this morning and allowed the girls from the hold to wander the post for excersize. Not that I particularly like them (you know why) but I did notice one girl who wore a rather beautiful set of open silks. The color and translucency of the silk was so amazing. She wore silver bracelets that were chained to rings, as well as anklets of the same type. They mentioned something about her having been stolen from an Ubar's chain, but I didn't pay much attention. It's generally not all that safe to do so, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, give me a few days to collect my things and I'd be delighted to join you! Perhaps we should meet in Laura?
First Picture-
Skin- Curio-Luster:Nuance
Hair- Pretty Vermin-Rose Red Hair
Dress- *Wishbox*-October Harvest
Bag- Details-Seamstress Bag
Veil- Beyond the Veil-Wren Veil
Scarf- Zaara-Pashmina Shawl
Second Picture-
Skin- Curio-Lovely-Pure
Hair- Exile-Lorelei
Jewelry- Firestarter Designs
Loincloth- Fantasia-Kalea Brown
Beating Stick- Stygian
Third Picture-
Skin- *Tyranny Designs* Wrath-Suri
Hair- (Sanctum)-Demali
Silks- *Evies Closet*-Muse Lingerie
Jewelry- Earthstones-Beautiful Slave Bracelets & Anklets
Collar- Infinity-Turian
Posted by
Elena of Braavos
10:27 PM
Labels: Free Woman, Panther, Slave
Sunday, March 22, 2009
On my way
Dear Lamya,
It's been too long! We simply must get together soon and chat. I was thinking of traveling a bit.. would you like to come with me? Safety in numbers you know!
Are you still in that dusty old outpost?
I've made up my mind. We should go and see the world. I'll hire some guards to follow us about, and we'll go and visit all those exotic places. I am all set to go, I even bought a new gown to travel in!
It has a delicious nautical theme to it, you simply must see it! They had other colors out, but I prefer the blue. There is red piping on it, and buttons over the top.. I can just imagine sitting in a cabin of a ship on my journey and barking orders to the crew as if I were the captain. Wouldn't that be a laugh? Let's hope the crew has a sense of humor.
I found a new jeweler too. Her work is so delicate and feminine. I of course am wearing the silver.. you know how I adore my silver. I adore the way she crafted the metal into flowers on this. Instead of the stamen of the flower, there are tiny pearls and crystals. How ducky!
I think she makes it in gold as well. I'll have to take you by her shop.
*A large ink stain covers this portion of the letter*
Oh dear. Sorry about that smudge. I haven't the time to wipe it off.. I hope you don't think any less of me for sending you a sloppy letter.
My nerves are on end, you see.
Here in Telnus they are having a feast of some sort, and are actually telling men to use their slaves publicly.. right in the vineyards!
Well, I won't have anything to do with it. It's enough that I have to hear drunken sailors shout in the middle of the night, I will not go outside of my home to.. *another ink splotch*
Oh I give up. They are right outside my door, saying the most awful things. Scantily clad and all! I have no desire to look upon some slave with barely a wisp of silk and some delicately draped chains!
And that man! Who does he think he is wearing that leather armor, perfectly fitted to his body to show off his tarnsman like abdominal muscles? Not that I would notice such things.
Write back my dear Lamya, and let me know if it's alright to visit. I need to get away!
- Sabina
First Picture:
Skin - BEBAE - Belina *Cinna: Smokey - 1b
Hair - Maitreya Piper II - Charcoal
Eyelashes - *REDGRAVE* Eyelashes - 11 - Showgirl
Dress - ~Ivalde~Anetta blue victorian dress
Jewelry - {Violet Voltaire} Melancholy: Silver/White (Amoire Exclusive)
Gloves - Unspoken Designs - White Satin Gloves
Third picture:
Slave -
Skin - *REDGRAVE* Pale Skin - Ashley - Smoky2
Eyelashes - Cake - Bedroom Lashes
Silks - World's Apart *Godiva Chain Silks* - Black
Collar - ::: Infinity ::: Turian Coloar with Lock (Etched Steel)
Hair - Truth - Lesley 2 - Smokey
Man -
Skin -
Clothing - !!Husky GFX!! - Ilbert Leather Armor
Sword - Black Ronin - Tribulation Sword (Soon to be re-released)
Posted by
Sabina Takakura
7:06 PM
Labels: Free Man, Free Woman, Slave